The Houma-Terrebonne Housing Authority provides housing assistance to residents in Terrebonne Parish through the federally funded Public Housing Program. Our motto at HTHA is a “Commitment to Service, A Passion for People”, and everyday our employees strive to ensure that we provide our residents with our best efforts. The impact of HTHA expands across Terrebonne Parish and our entire region. We pride ourselves on making social and economic impacts for our community. HTHA has programs and partnerships in place to improve the overall quality of life for our residents. And every dollar that we spend has an economic impact of nearly 2 and ½ times, and we create nearly 14 million dollars for every million dollars we spend.

Our Story

The Houma-Terrebonne Housing Authority was created by Act 80 of the 20012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and is the successor to the Housing Authority of the City of Houma. HTHA provides decent, sanitary, safe and affordable housing options to the residents of Terrebonne Parish. HTHA is federally funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 


HTHA engages in the purchase, modernization and administration of low-rent housing. HTHA also oversees community development programs whose primary purpose is the development of viable communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment and economic opportunities for people with low and moderate income levels.


HTHA is a related organization of the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government since the Parish President appoints the majority of the Housing Authority Board. The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government is not financially accountable for HTHA. HTHA operates as an independent public corporate body.

Our Passion

HTHA owns, operates and maintains 517 units of public housing in 2 separate properties in Houma, Louisiana. Under the Low Rent Housing Assistance Program, residents pay monthly rent based upon their income and the level of assistance they need.

Bayou Towers

Our senior and senior disabled residential housing units. Bayou Towers has approximately 300 units, and HTHA provides around the clock maintenance and security. Bayou Towers also has a resident’s council that works in conjunction with the HTHA administration to develop programs, policies and procedures to improve the property and the quality of services for residents. HTHA also partners with a multitude of agencies and organizations to enhance the quality of living for our Bayou Tower residents.

Senator Circle

Our family site consisting of 1, 2 3 and 4 bedroom family units. Overall Senator Circle has approximately 217 total units, and HTHA provides maintenance and security. Senator Circle also has a resident’s council that works in conjunction with the HTHA administration to develop programs, policies and procedures to improve the property and the quality of services for residents. Senator Circle residents also have access to a Head Start program, tutorial and summer programs and other resources that improve the quality of living.

How do I contact HUD?

Whether you’re looking for affordable housing options or community development programs, HUD is here to help make your home sweet home a reality.

Other Programs:

HTHA partners with a multitude of community and government-based agencies and organizations to enhance the quality of living for our Bayou Tower and Senator Circle residents.

Terrebonne Parish Head Start Program: 

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, Office of Housing and Human Services, in partnership with the Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority, administers a Head Start Program in the Senator Circle Development that provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, mental health and parent involvement services for low income families and their children, ages 3 to 5.

The Authority donates space for two classrooms on site. Public housing residents have first preference in enrolling their children for these services. There is no fee for the enrollment of a child into the Head Start Program. More information about Terrebonne Parish Head Start

Program is available HERE →

The Le Cirque Mentoring Program: 

The Le Cirque Program is funded by the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority (SCLHSA). Through a partnership between South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority AND Gulf Coast Social Services (GCSS), Le Cirque provides mentoring, tutoring, homework assistance, life-skills training, socialization skills and recreational activities for at-risk youth from Senator Circle and surrounding communities. Additional services include: individualized support to parents designed to empower them to accomplish personalized goals in order to strengthen the overall functioning of the family unit; individualized and/or group sessions to increase effective parenting techniques and child management interventions to promote positive discipline patterns; and engaging parents in identifying community needs and implementing solutions that foster community bonding and community cohesiveness.

Upon the intake of a child, a family centered assessment is completed. The assessment is utilized to depict a comprehensive portrayal of the child and family’s strengths and areas of need. The initial assessment is reviewed with the family and specific goals are set to accomplish during their case plan. The Mentor is then able to use the family’s natural supports and pre-existing strengths to aid them with overcoming their areas of need or a referral to an outside agency that can assist with the areas outside the scope of the program.

Senator Circle Computer Lab: 

An eight (8) station computer lab is available to every Senator Circle household during the Authority’s regular office hours. The PHA has established a Wi-Fi network for residents using devices that have wireless access at no charge to the residents of Senator Circle.

Project Learn, Senator Circle Development G.E.D Program 

Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority through its partnership with Project Learn, provide basic adult literacy, Pre-GED and GED preparation courses, Life Skills classes, Computer Skills classes and or English as Second Language classes, to aid residents of Bayou Towers and Senator Circle in obtaining GED Certification.

The PHA Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority provides access to classroom space, utilities and the computer lab for all enrolled.  The classes are taught in the Senator Circle Development by an instructor at the M & M building on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00a.m.-10:30a.m. and is free of charge.  Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority covers the cost of the GED testing fee and the cap and gown fee through Bayou Cane Adult Education Center.

The desired outcome of this collaboration will be dropout rate reduction and prevention, GED certification attainment, and career training and job placement to promote greater self-sufficiency and upward mobility for Public Housing Residents in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.

Houma Police Department Substation 

Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority partners with Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government and the Houma Police Department by providing a substation, located at 101 A & B Senator Circle. With the substation in the Senator Circle Development, it provides more effective police services to the residents and increases safety in the community due to 24/7 police patrol

Senator Circle Neighborhood Watch 


Residents of Senator Circle meet monthly regarding Neighborhood Watch. The purpose of the meetings is to bring about a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community to combat crime through community policing. This program is vital to the residents of Senator Circle as it helps the residents to fight crime and build a stronger sense of community and relationship with the Houma Police Department.

Bayou Towers Council on Aging (COA) Site 

At the Bayou Towers, Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority’s Senior Housing Development, the PHA is very fortunate to have a fully staffed Council on aging agency operations which assist residents to live independent and active lives by providing social, recreational, educational and nutritional services.

COA provides many services to the residents of Bayou Towers. These include information exchanges about a variety of assistance available to seniors, transportation to doctor visits, meals on wheels to home bound and frail residents, and food commodities distribution. They sponsor weekly Arts and Crafts construction activities such as painting, ceramics, bookmarks makings, bingo games, Coffee Breaks where various health care and medical resource providers come in and discuss various topics focusing on wellness as well as small musical group who visit and play live music to promote an environment of relaxation. A monthly birthday party is hosted where refreshments, including a birthday cake, a live band and or disc jockey for entertainment in honor of those whose birthday fall within the month provides for opportunities to socialize and exercise through dancing. The services and activities are well planned and well organized by the staff of the Council on Aging.

In 2013, the Bayou Towers Council on Aging Site was given an award of recognition by the Louisiana Housing Council for the hard work provided by the staff to the residents on a daily basis.

Bayou Towers Exercise Initiative 

In 2007, a group of seniors led by Bayou Towers resident Wanda Boudreaux decided that they wanted to form an exercise group and began regular weekly classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Bayou Towers Chapel. The Authority agreed to purchase various requested inexpensive exercise equipment so that those seniors who desired more targeted exercise activities could do so in convenience and without disruption.

Bayou Towers Library and Computer Lab 

A library full of a variety of books, novels, and magazines and a three (3) station computer lab is available to all residents all the time.

Bayou Towers Neighborhood Watch Program 

Residents of Bayou Towers meet monthly regarding Neighborhood Watch. The purpose of the meetings is to bring about a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community to combat crime through community policing. This program is vital to the residents of Bayou Towers as it helps the residents to fight crime and build a stronger sense of community.

Bayou Towers Chapel 

A chapel inside the Bayou Towers Auditorium is used for faith based services and group bible study for all religious affiliation.

Visions World Outreach Center 

Visions World Outreach Center, pastored by Pamela Naverre and Michael Naverre, partners with Houma Terrebonne Housing Authority providing several initiatives throughout the year. They provide complimentary breakfast and give away clothes throughout the year to the resident of Bayou Towers, as well as providing Thanksgiving Dinner. They also hose a Single Mothers Overjoyed Rejuvenated & Empowered Fellowship program for Senator Circle moms. The program includes a guest speaker.

Their goal is to make a lasting impact within the community by reaching out and helping its neighbors one-by-one. They aspire to service practical requirements through meeting natural needs, like food, clothing and spiritual needs.

Our Partners

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Terrebonne Parish Council on Aging

Gulf Coast Social Services:

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government: 

Navy Enterprises:

Houma Police Department:

Louisiana Land Trust/Road Home:

Louisiana Department of Health:


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